Alexa ranking . . . ermmm . . . does this ranking important? I am not sure either. My ranking is now
What is Alexa? Here it is: Alexa is a search engine that provides extra information such as traffic rankings. An Alexa ranking is an indicator used to gauge site performance, based on comparisons drawn against other sites.
So below is what Alexa shown for the ranking of this website today. I will monitor this again next month and will see whether there will be more improvement. Remember this site is only not more than 6 month old! Still a new baby on the Internet but certainly is making waves globally. See why . . .
How to get this traffic to this website? I did what is being taught at AtomicBlogging site and I would also recommend BlogRush. Not only that, when you want to get more quality traffic learn here about Getting Traffic Explosion and get the Viral link strategy to boost it all the way.
To open up your thinking about How to get more exposure and traffic to your blog or website I would certainly love to read this Blogmastermind. Get in and open your mind and you will see what I mean.
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I heared the announcement that alexa has changed its ranking algorithm. I am little happy with this change because my website got little improvment. see new alexa ranking for Fortune Park Hotels Ltd.
Congrat to you and mine also improved..see “current site ranking” on your right sidebar