Today I just registered a new USB Modem for Wireless from Maxis. Now I am accessing the net from this new modem. It is cool man. Check this out.
Reason No. 1, I am staying at Subang Jaya. Maxis coverage for 3G is okay here so obviously my choice of Maxis Wireless Broadband is ideal. Here what Maxis told about this service at their website. Moreover I am moving to my new office so with wireless it is more flexible for me.
“Maxis Wireless Broadband is miles beyond your average high-speed internet connection. When you sign up for our services, you can count on a host of benefits that put your needs ahead of everything else. You can surf 15 times faster than traditional dial-up modem.”
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How about the cost? I heard the cost for using this service is quite high…
Not really…I paid RM100.00 for activation. That’s all and only next month Maxis will charge me RM138.00 on per month basis. Try it before they change their mind on this new USB wireless broadband
It is still consider a high cost compare to Streamyx…you can get the a good internet connection speed just by paying RM 44 a month…but it does have it advantages in term of mobility..
Yup, I’m using streamyx too and sometimes accessing via hotspot and sometimes via P1 Hot Zone…and maxis broadband as my other option for flexibility. But overall malaysian broadband need to improve further.
I tried the maxis broadband 3 months ago i guesss. I heard the speed is even better than streamyx in Bangsar area. However, it’s sucks to the max when i used it at Cheras area near Lensen. Hence, i return back.
Using streamyx currently.
In subang jaya it is superb, almost anywhere in subang area. tried using it yesterday at Klang, also fine. will try it at more area surrounding klang valley when i have a chance.
I heard its 3 or 4 mbps per second, since you are using it, how is your speed test?
Btw thanks for adding me as your friend.
it depends on area where you are. while at home could achieve 1.0mbps, average between 750kbps to 1.2mbps is achievable in subang jaya. it is not bad since it gives me mobility at anywhere and not necessary for me to be at a ‘hot’ spot. But overall maxis need a constant improvement.
Check latest post wireless@kl for 2 years free wireless in whole kuala lumpur starting mid 2008.
i live in gombak n had once tried maxis bb.speed was good but very unstable.besides,i dont like to b tied to the 18-month i changed to celcom n found out its really worth.
at least we have options pertaining to one’s need. to me maxis is fine despite the 18-months contract coz’ the connection is great at my area. But in Malaysia we still need more options so that the price could be better for consumers. Hope Wimax will compliment that.
When it comes to the truth, Maxis wireless broadband is nothing better than the conventional 54K modem internet speed. I just wonder why out Government condone this type of cheating. Our society will be more and more stressed; of course we are moving further and further from ethical practices. Our Bar Council is busy with politics. Government withour conscience, leaders without tears!