Look at the above “Blog Of The Day”, you could be there too. How? Just drop your blog above and see how the traffic grows to your sites. Let me brief you here. Entrecard is a blogging service that has quickly emerged (or exploded) onto the scene over the last couple of months. Entrecard widgets are popping up on thousands of blogs around the blogosphere – including here. I barely use the system not more than 3 weeks but the traffic is growing steadily and without doubt Entrecard is a system that will compliment to my Atomic Blogging. See Atomic Blogging on your right >>>>>>
How it works? Okay…read here.
Entrecard is a free social advertising network for bloggers. Everyone knows that the 125×125 has become this semi-official “ad of the blogosphere.” What Entrecard allows you to do is :
- Advertise your 125×125, for free, on any blog in our network (like the one above)
- Pay with Entrecard Credits instead of real money (no hard cash here)
- Earn Credits by visiting other blogs, and dropping your card for the owner (through the widget above) much in the same way you would hand someone your regular business card (this is cool)
- See 3D statistics of traffic from ad campaigns and from our site, as well as stats for cards given and received
- The whole service is incredibly easy to use and intuitive once you give it a try
So far, Entrecard has been quite effective at sending traffic to members’ blogs. Imagine a user that has a free ad right here for a day (yes, full 24 hours without rotation), as well as ads running on 10 small to medium sized blogs. The traffic benefits can be significant. And on top of the advertising network there is an active social network, complete with a forum, messaging system, and more, that our members are actively taking part in. Bloggers have great information to share with each other, and we’re happy that so many are choosing Entrecard as an outlet. So why wait join Entrecard now to expose your blogs broader in the blogsphere.
This is what I like about Entrecard.
When you place a free ad on someone else’s blog, how long does it run for? Are there other ads in rotation?
When you place an ad one someone’s blog with Entrecard, it runs for a full 24 hours, solid, with no other ads in rotation.
Top Card Droppers to my blog
Top card droppersThis table lists the Entrecard users who dropped their card on your site the most in the last 30 days. High numbers suggest regular, even daily readers who drop their card to show you they've visited, as well as to help your advertising price and Campaign position. |
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Thanks for dropping by my blog
Yes Entrecard does work. My traffic is definitely improving. The important thing is to advertise on the right blogs. A lot of Entrecard users will just click through to your blog to make credits and that is fine, but if you want to gain readers you will want to advertise on select blogs. That’s my experience
Especially since I have this niche blog about Nescafé…who would want to read that besides other food nerds?
Hi..yup it does really work. your site kopidunia is simply awesome. Now I am on 3in1 nescafe…just to cut down on sugar.