This weekend I am quite tight with this program in my community. It is “Jom ke Masjid” program, where all muslim in the subang jaya community and also the surrounding area gather at the mosque starting today 13 June until Sunday, 15 June 2008. If you are free this weekend, I would like to welcome you to visit us at Masjid Darul Ehsan Subang Jaya. To all non-muslim friends, you are also welcome to meet us fellow muslim friends and join few programs at the mosque. All are welcome.
There are so many interesting programs in store for all ages, to name a few, like:
- Free blood donation
- Free health checkup (sugar, blood pressure, body mass index, breast cancer!)
- Exhibition by police force
- Futsal Sem-final and final (for adult)
- Motobike show
- Khat and Caligraphy contest
- Concert by Akhil Hayy and Rabbani
- Quran reading contest
- Coloring contest for children with Malaysian cartonist, Ujang
- Food stalls, business booths
- many more . . . . .
Why “Jom ke Masjid”?
Sahi-bin-Sa'd narrates that he heard the Prophet (sallalahu'alaihi wa salam) saying, “Give glad tidings to those who go to Masjid frequently during hours of darkness, for they will have perfect light on the day of judgment”.
The value of going to Masjid in the darkness of the night shall be realized on the dreadful day of judgment when everybody shall be in a very miserable plight. In a hadith it is said, “Of all the places on this earth, the mosques are the dearest to Allah and the markets are the most offensive to Him”. In another Hadith the Masjid or the mosques are called “The gardens of Paradise”.
So let us go to masjid more frequently, starting this weekend . . . . . . . “Jom ke Masjid” . . . . . . .
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