Wow…fantastic. For such a small country and with a small population, Malaysia has about 500,000 active bloggers, make her among the highest in the world after Indonesia and the European Union, Utusan Malaysia reported and the Star today.
“Our research shows that 70% of the election results were influenced by information in the blogs,” according to University Malaya media department lecturer, Dr Abu Hassan Hasbullah. He also added that this showed the power of blogs in influencing the thinking of the people in Malaysia, especially about politics.
It is proven now that majority of urban Malaysian are busy on the internet doing many things right from politicking, business dealing, and socializing via their blogs. This goes to show the strength and influence the Internet has on our society.
As I said before now is about time for all Malaysians and also others too to have a blog on your own. It does not matter with blogspot, with wordpress, with your own hosted domain or not, just signup to make it merrier in the blogosphere world.
I would like to see your blog. Advise me your link so that we could get connected here.
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interesting to know that there are so many bloggers out there in Malaysia and gladly contributed to the number
thanks for the add in facebook.
saya nih ternasuk jugak ke…?
@ Jason,
Certainly you did contribute. How is your program in Penang?
@ abdfatah,
Ye..anda juga termasuk dan dikira sama.
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