Successful Mindset : Mindset of a Millionaire
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- Successful Mindset : Mindset of a Millionaire
- On May 25, 2008
- By roslimh
- In inspiration
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Guys, I would like to wish you a happy weekend. Today I am writing this blog beside a pool at Berjaya Club. Since it is the first day of School holiday, I am here with my family and I never forget to bring along my HP notebook. Since my children are busy themselves with the pool, let me busy with this sharing.
Okay…where are we? Oh… here it goes.
Remember Late Night Legend, David Letterman, interviewed billionaire Donald Trump not long ago (june 2006) on his show. Letterman asked Trump what he would do if he lost everything and had to start over from scratch.
Trump's response was that he would find a great network marketing company and get to work.
When he received some hisses and boos from the audience, he looked out at them with complete and total authority and responded, “That's why I am sitting down here and you are all sitting out there”.
Why? The wealthy and successful think differently than the rest. It's really quite cut and dry. They have already created the millions; it's part of their everyday life. There are no belief issues, the proof is in their bank accounts, investments, and assets. You see it in the clothes they wear, the cars they drive, and the vacations they take. There is a confidence about them and they are able to put their head on their pillow at night, knowing that their affairs are in order ( I am not saying that wealth eliminates all problems, but it provides opportunity).
The confidence and belief, which is their reality, must be understood before you can create real, longstanding, stable wealth. This is the first and most important issue you will face.
“How does one think and operate as the person who has already attained wealth, when they are still broke?”
To reach the goal of thinking as a wealthy and successful entrepreneur, and finding your financial thermostat you MUST understand the following:
At this stage, many people ask, “What does this mean?” “How do I know where my financial thermostat is set right now?”
Your first step is to look at the average income of your 10 closest friends and family members. Chances are you earn approximately as much as they can. This is where it gets difficult for some people to grasp.
You see, you have been conned into believing that this is all you are worth! It was not done intentionally, people are just accustomed to believing that they should be content with their lot in life, and don't understand the greater context of the fact that we each control our “lot in life”. For them to think outside the box is uncomfortable. When one starts to think outside the box, it makes neighbors, family and friends uncomfortable too. Your family and friends are accustomed to what they believe is possible in their reality. Fortunately for us, we create, and participate actively in our own reality, ultimately guiding the outcome with or previous decisions. They want you to be safe and feel “comfortable is safe”. Having a job is traditionally accepted as secure and safe, and that most entrepreneurs go broke in a few years. You can see their logic, “Don't venture outside your own backyard, it is dangerous out there and people crash and burn”. You can use this same logic and say not to fly or drive, because many people die in car accidents and planes could fall from the sky, so you better just stay home and be safe.
Okay guys, I shall continue this sharing tomorrow as my children are shouting for me to join them in the pool. Until my next post tomorrow, just sit back and think about this “Mindset of a Millionaire” and starts to think outside the box!
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Pakcik Rosli has a humble beginning in online marketing way back in 2007 when there is no broadband in Malaysia and access to the internet is very limited. The High-Speed Broadband initiative launched only in 2010. Learn from a few renowned names on the internet marketing world and now Pakcik Rosli has more than 12 years of experience online. A hands-on guy with a never-give-up attitude.