A breakthrough even you are new!
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- A breakthrough even you are new!
- On November 9, 2008
- By roslimh
- In home business
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Only 2 weeks ago I am on a new project and the result is definitely satisfying. I am no guru here but I am willing to share my experience based on what I could achieve online. I am just an ordinary old guy online! But the attitude that you must have are willing to learn, willing to take action and willing to teach others. In short you must have L.A.T in you – Learn, Action and Teach
Guys..some people are successful but they do not want to depart their knowledge. To me the knowledge is not mine so let's share it all over the globe. Will you? If you want to be successful just stick with me here . . . .
“What is the “entrepreneur's mindset” and how important is it in building a business?”
I think your mindset IS your business. It denotes where you will go and how quickly you will get there.
So here is how I answered that question.
The entrepreneur's mindset begins with their excitement about the success to come.
The entrepreneur sees the opportunity put before them and he spends countless hours daydreaming thinking about the success and how it will FEEL when it comes to him. It fuels the fire. Without this the gas in the tank of any entrepreneurial effort quickly empties.
They don't think about failure.
You see an entrepreneur by definition is a person who offers a solution to a problem at a cost.
At first, the problem that an entrepreneur faces in network marketing is how to solve their own immediate problems. How get a lead? How to get a new team member? How to help that new team member duplicate their success quicker than he or she did it?
When they get these issues solved he benefits monetarily for the growth in his team, but metaphysically he profits for knowing he has added overall value to the task and process at hand for many many to follow.
The entrepreneur is not done at this point.
There's more to be done. The entrepreneur sees the opportunity before him and sees that there is more value to be added. The people directly associated with him aren't the only people to have the problems they began with so he devices a way to help more than his immediate circle.
The entrepreneur sees no failure. The entrepreneur detaches his emotions from all outcomes be they positive or negative. He sees the results of his actions as merely observable data to improve upon.
The entrepreneur always asks himself “How can I do better next time?” And then sets out to improve upon their most immediate results for their personal growth and the benefit of all those associated with him.
The entrepreneur realizes that there is no such thing as “enough” he knows that just like an apple tree grows as large as it possibly can and then bares seeds that he to must ALWAYS grow.
If there is any one quality that the entrepreneur has that sets him apart from the average person is their confidence exceeds their competency. The entrepreneur sees the opportunity before him and he know he most grow into it regardless of whether or not he knows HOW to do it.
He just has confidence that he will.
The entrepreneur asks everyday what it is that he wants and then sets out to get it with excitement.
Step into this mindset and step into success.
So if you are interested to know more, I would invite you to have a free tour with me here. It is a breakthrough in network marketing in this 21st Century. Success is within reach even you are new and be the expert in no time.
Dream of receiving a check like above…a whoopping RM231,000 !
Guys…visit me there to take the free tour with no obligation but Success is around the corner!
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Pakcik Rosli has a humble beginning in online marketing way back in 2007 when there is no broadband in Malaysia and access to the internet is very limited. The High-Speed Broadband initiative launched only in 2010. Learn from a few renowned names on the internet marketing world and now Pakcik Rosli has more than 12 years of experience online. A hands-on guy with a never-give-up attitude.