Hey, Guys it is about a week since my last post in this blog. Emm…it is not that I am forgetting to blog or I am busy but simply because I had my medical checkup. As usual being at forties plus, a full medical checkup is recommended. How I am doing? I got some problems such as slight high blood pressure, slight high uric acid, my good cholesterol is low, got a slight fatty particles in my liver, a small particle in my bladder.
These make me a bit quiet in this past week. Not that I am worried but busy in thinking how to solve these health problems. We as human being have to admit that at certain age we are bound to have problems pertaining to our health. Not because God simply gives us the problems but because of our choice of life that we chose to live in. It is our own doings. The food that we take, the activities that we indulge in and so on.
So how to overcome this. Well obviously choose a healthy diet and exercise a lot. But not to aggravate your body but just what is needed for your body. Now my routine has change a bit. Early in the morning after coming back from subuh prayer, just after 6:45am, I go out jogging or a breeze walk at the park. I do this between half an hour or the most one hour everyday. After that I take a light breakfast, example half bowl of oats with raisin and dates, a glass on milo or hot chocolate, and a mug of “hempedu bumi” juice or its scientific name “Andrographis paniculata”. This juice is good for you to control blood pressure, blood sugar, liver and may more. Just read the article about this here, rainforestherbs. Also recommended by my doctor for me to consume Omega 3 Fish Oil which will help to boost my good cholesterol and suppress the bad cholesterol in my body.
Then about 8:45am I am off to my office as usual.
In the afternoon, I just take my normal lunch but less in everything. The best is to have a balance diet. Of course drink a lot of plain water or mineral water or barley drink.
In the evening about 5:30pm or at 6:00pm, I play a game of futsal with my surau's friends until 6:50pm. Just forty five minutes to one hour will do. Then I take my early light dinner (sandwiches with a mug of barley drink) before proceeding to surau to observe my daily maghrib and isya' prayers as usual.
Then before going to bed at night, I drink a lot of water and another mug the the bitter tonic, hempedu bumi. Being at my age and also with this state of health conditions, I need a lot of rest which is recommend by my doctor and normally I would hit the sack at 12 midnight but now I will do it half an hour earlier. Of course after checking my emails, my office work and not forgetting my blogs
No worries, life has to go on and we need to have faith that all these have the gladtidings. Only God knows what it is. I am not complaining but I am vibrant as usual to go on with my life and with these slight changes in my daily activities.
Happy blogging.
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Hi Rosli,
It’s wonderful that you’re maintaining such an upbeat mood – the key to long term health of course is exactly what you talk about here… taking responsibility for the food you put in your mouth and taking exercise appropriate to your lifestyle. Oh, of course and one more thing, being happy and grateful for the health you have!
Cheers, Dan.
Hi Dan,
Thanks for your words of encouragement. I appreciate it. That’s what friend are for. Am I right?
Cheers to you too.