This is a common headache to blogger during every holiday seasons. It does happened to me last year and this year I am determine to make it happening to my humble blog. I am sure you have some experience on this issue so let's share with me here. Maybe you got a really successful blog and many people seem to like with your postings. The traffic, comments and sign-ups to your newsletter are growing bigger and bigger each day and you have put in a great effort in getting it successful. Now that the holidays are upon us you will have a little time to keep your blog up to date, especially if you are selling the hottest-selling product online. You do know that you want to keep this great thing going though. Besides, it's the long term marketing that will help you over the slower periods of the year. What should you do?

So I would suggest do as the squirrels do and store up for the winter. Look at your schedule and figure out the days that you are going to be busy with family outings. Then go write a post for each of those days. Right now. Make yourself a big ol’ stockpile, and you will never lack fresh fodder.

Here is another idea. Have an assistant or a guest blogger to post some holiday articles related to your business for you. Articles about the holidays that people find useful such as shopping tips, budget tips and saving tips sounds appropriate. More affordable and enjoyable holidays are something everyone can use to hear about. If your guest blogger could add information to relate those articles with your product, the better. With that holiday feel in the air, you may be surprised to see how much traffic you end up getting. Possibly more than normal. Do you agree?

Say you wanna share about some tips, make sure do not post all of them at once. Publish some interesting tips over a period of days or even weeks. Tell people they are reading on of a series of tips on says a saving tips. This gives your prospects reason to return and you something to blog about on a regular basis.

Now let's share about your ideas here, on how to blog during holidays so that your blog is not dead at the end of every holiday seasons.

to blog

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