Guys this is another free way to get notice worldwide with your humble blog. I got an email from a fellow Blogger, Mert Erkal, from Turkey and he told me about this new free great social network site for bloggers. For you info, Mert is a pro-blogger with this great site at
He said that since very long time he had been using social networks to promote his blogs as a pro-blogger. He added that even though social networks like Facebook gives you the ability to reach thousands of people, as a blogger chances are you are disturbing your non-blogger friends with your non-stop profile/status updates, and notification mails from your groups. Plus you are under heavy attacks of non-blogging related topics like games, events, applications. Taking this into consideration Mert and his group in the Bloghology team developed the new Bloghology Social Network, a brand new social network for bloggers. (A special thanks to Mert!)
What is Social Network? – It is a brand new social network that resembles in some aspects Facebook but based on proprietary application and created By Bloggers and For Bloggers! For me, as blogger it means MORE EXPOSURE, MORE CUSTOMERS, MORE SUCCESS! Join Me, It’s FREE. Below is the snap shot of the site with my handsome photo!!!
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Hi Rosli,
Thank you so much for helping us spread the word. Community site is still at BETA stage, but we constantly make upgrades. We look forward to have your innovative ideas.
We wish you all the best!
I saw this at blogcatalog. I think I must join the network.
Salam Bono,
It is great to be there. By all means, join me there. The more the merrier.
Hi Mert,
No worries and we may share ideas.
Thanks for visiting me here.
Have a great day.